The Health Benefits of Consuming Oregano

Introduction to Oregano Please note: Please see disclaimer far below. Before making any changes to your diet or medicine please first consult your doctor or GP. Oregano is available fresh or dried for cooking, and as an oil for health conditions. Researchers have identified compounds in oregano that may help in the treatment of some medical conditions. Oregano is a … Read More

Why sports psychology is essential for your sport

If you play any sport, chances are you’ll be placed under some kind of physical and psychological pressure. You will feel pressure from your coach as well as your teammates to perform well, and especially pressure that you will apply to yourself. This is why sports psychology is such an important consideration for any sport. Sports psychology aims to support … Read More

Reasons to become a Vegetarian

Valid reasons to stop eating deceased animals! The meat on your plate that you are about to enjoy has gone through many stages from the animal being alive! At the point of the kill, the execution, that animal will go through immense fear. Fear and terror and its real. By buying and eating that meat, you are part of that … Read More

Benefit of using a Vibration Plate (Vibro-plate)

Health benefits of Exercise Vibration Plates! If you are someone who is keen on maintaining their physical fitness, you may be aware of exercise vibration plates or vibro-plates. Perhaps there are a few in your gym now. You can incorporate its use into your warm-up, use it to further intensify your workout, or as a cooling-off exercise. A vibration plate … Read More

How to avoid a Micro Sleep when driving on the motorway!

Ways to reduce falling asleep when distance driving. A microsleep is a brief period of sleep that can occur without the person realising it. They occur during periods of drowsiness and while doing your daily tasks, including driving. Driving on the motorway can be a long and monotonous task and the likelihood of microsleep increases as a result. If your … Read More

Symptoms of Norovirus Poisoning

Common Symptoms of the Norovirus Norovirus, commonly known as the winter vomiting bug, is a stomach bug whose primary symptoms are vomiting and diarrhoea. Despite its unpleasant nature, it seldom lasts for very long and can be expected to pass after around two days. It is usually spread through close contact with infected people, coming into contact with it on … Read More

How Safe is a Cataract Replacement?

Are cataract replacements safe? Cataract surgery involves implanting an artificial lens in the eye to replace a cloudy one. Cataracts usually develop in a person’s eye as they age, the lens begins to frost and limit the vision in the affected eye. The surgery itself is a straightforward procedure which should last anywhere between half an hour and forty-five minutes. … Read More

Natural Ways to Treat Body Odour

Non chemicals Ways to remove smelly Body Odour Body odour is something we are all conscious of having. It is unappealing, distracting and can deter people from wanting to spend time with us. Many of us opt for deodorants and similar products to combat it, but there are other, more natural ways, of treating body odour. First, consider wearing clothes … Read More

How to Naturally Treat Constipation

In simple terms, constipation is when you experience difficulties in opening your bowels or don’t open them regularly. If you find yourself opening your bowels less than three times a week, it’s highly likely the result of constipation. Constipation is usually caused by a lack of fruit and vegetables in the diet, as well as an insufficient amount of fluid … Read More

Signs of Liver Problems

Common Liver Problems The liver is a vitally important part of the body. It is often considered as vital to life as the heart. It performs many functions, some of which include receiving and processing digested food that has come from the intestines and turning it into energy, maintaining levels of fat, amino acids and glucose in our blood, dealing … Read More