Treatment for a Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder occurs when your shoulder experiences pain and stiffness. Not just for moments or a few days, but for months and sometimes years at a time. It is characterised by persistent pain and stiffness in the shoulder that may be at its worst when you’re trying to sleep at night. The pain can be sufficiently severe as to … Read More

Monkeypox Explained

You have probably heard the name ‘monkeypox’ mentioned on the news in recent months. Coming hot on the heels of Covid-19, it is especially unwelcome news. But what exactly is monkeypox and how concerned should you be? Monkeypox is most commonly found in West and Central Africa and is considered to be a rare infection. While cases in the UK … Read More

The Merkaba Explained

The word “Merkaba” is derived from a Hebrew word meaning “chariot”. When it is broken down according to an ancient Egyptian translation, it phonetically means “light, body, spirit”. When both meanings are combined, it refers to the process of connecting with light, body and spirit via this vehicle or symbol. The three-dimensional symbol itself consists of two triangles facing away … Read More