Dog Behaviour

For the love of dogs! The main focus throughout this period of study has been mainly the behaviour of canines and why they behaviour in certain ways. I have been able to put what I have learnt to good practise as I personally run a dog playgroup. Many of the dogs who have attended my sessions have presented behavioural issues … Read More

Interpretation of dreams in Jungian psychology

Dreams and their interpretation! Since ancient times, human beings have had a strong interest in understanding dreams. By obtaining information from those moments in which consciousness fades (while we are sleeping), we come to apprehend things better and even solve problems, create artistic works, or make scientific discoveries. In his work, the Odyssey, Homer mentions two very particular doors: the … Read More

Why does love hurt so much?

Love hurts. Most of us have been there before. Picture the scene. You’re in a relationship with the person you’ve always dreamed of meeting. You’re convinced this is the one. You’re experiencing an impressive array of unforgettable moments. You’re getting ready to either ask or to receive the question. Perhaps you’ve already celebrated your big day. And then, suddenly, it’s … Read More