How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Tutorial on how to lose your belly fat rapidly

Perhaps the most common goal when losing weight is to lose the abdominal fat, or belly fat, that has accumulated round the stomach area. If you are in this position, you may consider this excess fat physically ungainly and it may give you cause for concern for your physical health and wellbeing. Abdominal fat is harmful and research indicates that it is strongly linked to diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Therefore, not only does losing this fat give your mental health and self-esteem a great boost, it is also beneficial to you from a physical perspective. The first step you should take is to measure your abdominal fat. You can do this with the use of a tape measure. If your waist measures over forty inches, which is one hundred and two centimeters, and you’re a male, or thirty-five inches, eighty-eight centimeters, if you’re a woman, it is classed as abdominal obesity.

There are certain weight loss strategies that specifically target the abdominal area and the first of these is to avoid excess amounts of sugar and sugar sweeteners. Added sugars are detrimental to your health and regular consumption of them leads to weight gain. Numerous studies have pointed to excess sugar, thanks to the large amounts of fructose contained within it, leads to the build up of fat in the abdomen and the liver. Since sugar consists half of glucose and half of fructose, excess consumption of sugar overloads the liver with fructose, which requires it to be turned into fat.

It is important that you try to reduce the amount of sugar intake you have on a daily basis and consider completely removing sugary drinks from your diet. These include fizzy drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks and drinks which are sugar-sweetened. Be sure to read labels to check if the product contains refined sugars.

Another good way to lose that abdominal fat is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Research has shown that when people reduce their intake of carbs, their appetite decreases and they subsequently lose weight. Indeed, more than twenty studies have indicated that a low-carb diet can lead to between two and three times more weight loss than a low-fat diet.

A low-carb diet can also result in a speedy reduction in water weight, which produces quick results. If your protein intake is at a sufficiently high level, all you may need to do to reduce your carbohydrates intake is to stay away from refined carbs which are found in sugars, sweets, chocolates and white bread. Finally, a low-carb diet also produces additional health benefits other than weight loss. It can be highly beneficial to people who suffer from type 2 diabetes, for example.

As you reduce the amount of sugar and carbs you consume, think about replacing it with an increased amount of protein. It has been suggested that protein is the most important macronutrient where weight loss is concerned. Studies have shown that it reduces cravings by up to 60%, increases metabolism by around 80-100 calories each day and assists you in eating around 411 fewer calories each day.

In addition, protein may also assist in protecting against regaining weight. Foods that are rich in protein include eggs, fish, nuts, meat and certain dairy products. If providing yourself with sufficient protein each day proves to be a challenge, it is acceptable to take a supplement such as whey protein to boost your overall intake. These can be easily obtained online.

Eating a steady amount of fibre is also important, although you should focus your attention on soluble and viscous fibres in particular. Research has found that an extra 14 grams of fibre per day were closely linked to a decrease of 10% in calorie intake and a loss of weight of around two kilogrammes over a period of four months. Soluble fibre, in particular, is especially helpful in reducing abdominal fat and can be found in various fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes and cereals like whole oats.

Exercise is a vitally important part of any weight loss program. It great increases your chance of leading a long, happy and healthy life and reduces the risk of disease. When you exercise, however, do not rely solely on abdominal exercises. One study showed no change in waist circumference or the amount of fat after six weeks of exercising just the abdominal muscles.

Weight lifting and cardiovascular exercises will greatly assist in reducing fat across the whole body and aerobic exercises such as walking, running and swimming, are helpful in bringing about significant reductions in the amount of abdominal fat. Studies have also shown that exercising helped to prevent people from regaining the abdominal fat and pointed to exercise as being especially important in the act of maintaining weight. Additional health benefits of exercise include lower levels of blood sugar and a reduction in inflammation.

By now, you probably know that what you eat is important, but it is also important to know how much you eat. It is all too easy to either overestimate or underestimate how much you eat. Unless you keep track of your food and drink consumption. This does not mean you should carefully weigh and measure every item of food that you eat, of course.

Tracking what you eat for a few days in a row from time to time will help you to identify the areas where you need to make the most changes. If you plan ahead, you can also achieve specific goals, such as reducing unhealthy fats and carbohydrates or increasing your protein intake to a certain percentage.


In conclusion, the best ways to reduce the amount of belly fat you have involve making key lifestyle changes such as a healthy and balanced diet that is rich in protein and fibre, containing plenty of fruit and vegetables, and taking regular exercise. After that, all you require is time and patience. Losing abdominal fat is never easy but it is far from impossible.


This article along with all articles on this site are for educational and informational purposes only and must not be used or taken as a substitute in any form for any medical, psychological (mental) advice, medication you are currently taking or any alternative treatments without the prior advice, guidance and consent from your medical doctor. Please speak with your doctor first before making any changes to your diet or medicine as a result of reading any information laid out on this website or in this or any other articles.

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