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PTSD & Domestic Abuse!

A survivors story! I want to take you the reader on my journey of abuse, how I came to realise I was suffering from PTSD and how I eventually, after 28 years I was released from the shackles that held me in fear and panic for so long. When I was twenty, I met my future husband to be, he

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Reasons to become a Vegetarian

Valid reasons to stop eating deceased animals! The meat on your plate that you are about to enjoy has gone through many stages from the animal being alive! At the point of the kill, the execution, that animal will go through immense fear. Fear and terror and its real. By buying and eating that meat, you are part of that

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Ketogenic almond bread recipe

Keto bread recipe, low in carbs with few calories! A ketogenic diet means a diet that focuses on avoiding carbohydrates. It encourages you to gain your calories from protein and fat. It requires you to cut back on foods that are high in carbohydrates. These include sugar, soft drinks, pastries and white bread. But what if you really like bread?

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How to deal with tailgaters

Tailgating. It’s dangerous. It’s annoying. It’s intimidating. It can be frightening. And it can happen at any time while you’re driving. If you’re on the road and another car is driving much too close to the back of yours, that’s tailgating. It greatly increases the risk of collision. In fact, one in six drivers have reported damage to their cars

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How to Deal with a Fear of Dogs

How to Deal with a Fear of Dogs Dogs are a man’s best friend. Not everyone would agree though. Some people have a fear of dogs. Perhaps you are one of them. Fear of dogs, known as cynophobia, is one of the most common animal phobias. In short, a phobia is an irrational and persistent fear of something, be it

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How to Become a Firefighter

How to Become a Firefighter! Firefighting is a highly responsible role in that it involves protecting the public against dangerous fires and advising them on how best to guard themselves against the risk of fire. If you have, do you know what avenues to go down in order to become one? The first option available to you is to take

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