Journalism Course

Original price was: £295.00.Current price is: £225.00.

Course Overview

SFTR Registered Open College Diploma Course

  •  SFTR Accredited Open College Diploma Course
  • Upon completion of this course you will be entitled to the use of these Designatory letters after your name: Dip.Journalism which will be printed upon your final Diploma Certificate under your name.

Additionally you will receive these 2 Certificates within your course package:

  • A4 size Membership wall display certificate into the Open College. Allowing you the use of MOC after your name.
  • A4 size Membership wall display certificate into the SFTR. Allowing you the use of MSFTR after your name.

This diploma course is currently available for the temporary reduced low fee of only £225 UK.

Course Description

What is journalism?

Journalism within is a profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, television or radio, websites and blogs.

To write as a journalist is to provide textual data or writing that informs people about issues and matters that have happened within that period of time usually within 12 to 24 hours.

The kind of people who provide this textual data or writing are called journalists who work directly or indirectly or freelance for newspaper companies, magazines, websites, blogs or for the radio and television stations such as the BBC or Reuters etc.

This course in journalism is ideally suited to people who love to read and write stories and specifically read to find out information about what is happening around them in society.

The most common way to attain information by a journalist is through observation, interviews or through other items of writing such as articles and printed documents etc.

Successful journalism relies on obtaining sound and reliable facts which is written in a precise and clear manner without any exaggeration away from the truth.

All stories that are written start with a lead which emphasises the most prominent and important part of the story which is usually emphasised within the opening title.

This course is ideally suited to anyone who enjoys reading and writing, especially writing stories for others to read.

This course is open for enrolment by anyone. No background training qualifications are required, although it is mainly suited to writers.

This course offers attention to detail instruction and guidance on the techniques and insider secrets of being a successful journalist both online and in real life.

This course covers both theoretical and practical sides of journalism which vary from differing points of view.

Demonstrates how to undertake proper investigation.

Learn how to broadcast to thousands of people.

Learn how to blog like a professional.

How to manage user generated content.

How to improve your journalism every step of the way.

This course is also suitable for students of journalism studies on other training courses or degrees or anyone studying social sciences, advertising, media and social communication.

An insightful, practical and easy to understand and follow course content throughout.

Course Provider:

Open College UK Ltd


This course is set in the English language and is entirely coursework based. All notes and reading materials, including text book/s are supplied by us direct in one complete package. There are no other required text or materials, books to purchase. We supply everything for you within your course package for the low fee shown. There are no hidden or additional fees to pay.

Method of Learning:

This is a home study, distance learning course. All of your course study materials are posted to you in one complete study package. All of your coursework is to be completed within the outlined period. This course is structured in an EASY LEARNING and user friendly way.


Upon completion of this home learning programme, students should be able to understand the basics of many key areas within this subject. Participants of the course will have acquired an overall basic understanding of the subject matter and will have achieved a sound basis to summarize important topics and be reasonably competent to make further progress and educational development in this field with a range of theoretical skills and insights to assist with any short or long term goals.

Grading Assessment:

This course is assessed upon the successful completion and submission of coursework with a Pass, Merit or Distinction. Distinction is 90%. All content is course work based, home study through the post or online, depending on the subject being studied. NO attendance or visits to any exam centre is required on this subject.

Entry Requirements:
There are NO entry requirements. No background training or qualifications are required. Anyone can enrol at any time, beginners, intermediates and experienced all year round. You are expected to be able to read and write or type/word process your coursework and be able to understand the English language.

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