Customer Psychology Course

Original price was: £295.00.Current price is: £245.00.

Course Overview

SFTR Registered Open College Diploma Course

  •  SFTR Accredited Open College Diploma Course
  • Upon completion of this course you will be entitled to the use of these Designatory letters after your name: Dip.Customerpsych which will be printed upon your final Diploma Certificate under your name.

Additionally you will receive these 2 Certificates within your course package:

  • A4 size Membership wall display certificate into the Open College. Allowing you the use of MOC after your name.
  • A4 size Membership wall display certificate into the SFTR. Allowing you the use of MSFTR after your name.

This diploma course is currently available for the temporary reduced low fee of only £245.00 UK.

Course Description

Customer Buyer Psychology Diploma Course

Understanding customer thinking is seller knowledge and seller knowledge is power which can be converted to bring you closer to making a sale.

Understanding the psychology or the persona of the buyer will undoubtedly bring you closer to understanding the specific reasons why customers buy and most importantly why they don’t buy, especially online.

It is equally important to intimately know the reasons why a person buys a product as much as it is why they don’t especially after they have communicated an interest with you and then unexpectedly disappeared.

All sellers are familiar with this mysterious disappearance and sometimes can leave you bewildered especially when you thought they were just going to purchase. Sound familiar? If the information and tutorial in this course does not teach you a high amount of essential information, we will refund you in full within the first 14 day guarantee period.

Upon completion of this course you will have made an enormous leap into profoundly understanding the thinking and behaviour of the customer in ways that you will not do if you don’t undertake this course.

Is that worth pondering?

Here are a few basic psychology tips to stir your appetite. Remember, customer psychology is the way and the why people think, feel and behave!

Simple customer psychology

You and I, along with the customer love to buy things, it is a sort of self pampering, self grooming that we all engage in. The treating of oneself can be very fulfilling.We just love to take out our Visa or credit card to make a purchase. Just recall the last time you made a purchase online and note what you actually felt while you were making that purchase. Did you feel driven, positive, enthusiastic, motivated, excited and self-satisfied? These are the things you will learn on this course.

One of the worst things you can do to a customer is pressure them, manipulate or coerce or even sound like you’re speaking out of tempo. In other words, you’re optimistic and positive energy is set too high and doesn’t match the product or the sale that is being negotiated or discussed at that time.

Too many salespeople especially the male ego type is way over the top, too in-your-face. Even car sales forecourt staff no longer rush out to greet the customer, like back in the day – because it just no longer works!


Because the customer is somewhat aware of that potential unwanted approach – any minute now! Never make a sale about you the seller. Always make it about the customer so that the whole experience is 100% about the way they are feeling and thinking about their journey and experience towards that purchase and how you are making them feel and how they feel you are making them feel. Remember, when customers purchase a product it is often with emotion and feelings and not necessarily with logic or rational clear thinking, it’s just not.

If you let that customer walk away, whether it is online or in person then that emotion will disappear and so probably will the sale. Many times you made a purchase because it felt right but later on, weeks or months on, it meant nothing more to you because you no longer feel the way you did when you purchased that item or product but the practical or logic is still there but the feeling is gone.

Sound familiar?

Remember, when a customer is purchasing an item, the decision to purchase is often based on things you cannot see or things they will not reveal but are driven by, silly things such how well those shoes or handbag will look in the eyes of others or how envious or outdone her friends or enemies might be!

If you were to ask the customer as to why they have purchased such and such an item, you will often get a replacement answer as the real reasons will often be replaced by more realistic justified mature reasons, on the surface reasons – otherwise known as facts.

Customers justify a purchase with practical and logical reasons and conceal the real (beneath the surface reasons – I will look good, I will be admired, I will be envied) reasons because they are often silly and may be based on competition, jealousy, showing off, for example to name some of many.

Don’t always sell or push with logical facts about the item because the main drive in the buyer is with emotion and feelings and you as the seller needs to get in touch with that emotional drive, even if you cannot see it, you need to get in touch with it really well. Never force your products or your eagerness to sell onto your customer. Instead build a bridge, a kind helpful rapport and relationship around how they are feeling.

Most customers arrive at a NEWLY FOUND website or a business premises with a small element of suspicion and possibly distrust, a sort of clenching the purse or wallet just in case you grab it from them, so to speak. Well, how many times were you feeling trust for that overly nonstop chatty car salesman when you went to view that new car for the first time? Online sellers are more successful when they can produce some form of visualisation or feeling of familiarity in the mind of the customer by vividly demonstrating how your goods or products will make them feel.

Remember feelings lead people to buy.

Did you in some way relate with the above or below sales person example? Did that evoke a memory of when you felt distrust and caution when you were approached by a friendly salesman that you did not know?

Did you buy a new smart phone in the store but needed to ask a few questions first and were a little unsure and hid that doubt until you felt a little more safe and trusting with that sales person before you let your guard down, then shared your doubts or indecision and waited for his her feedback before you selected the right phone based of their response to your questions before you selected the right phone? You must see what and how you’re selling through your customer’s eyes for more successful marketing. Understanding buyer personality, buyer persona, buyer psychology is the step-by-step manual that every seller needs in understanding what the customer wants and needs.

How can you possibly be successful without understanding and knowing your customer’s drives before you ever meet them? Customer persona studies, is the sellers step by step guide to learning what your buyer wants and how and why they make decisions.

This course provides comprehensive detailed coverage of a compelling new way to conduct yourself with the customer offering practical advice on adopting the buyer persona approach to improve your sales. See the purchase through the customer′s eyes as opposed to your own!

Learn the types that buy and why they do not! Understand your customer’s feelings, drives and goals and how you can interact with them better! Improve and adjust your selling activities towards your customer’s expectations and needs! To understand what your customer wants you need to intimately know them better!

Course Provider:

Open College UK Ltd


This course is set in the English language and is entirely coursework based. All notes and reading materials, including text book/s are supplied by us direct in one complete package. There are no other required text or materials, books to purchase. We supply everything for you within your course package for the low fee shown. There are no hidden or additional fees to pay.

Method of Learning:

This is a home study, distance learning course. All of your course study materials are posted to you in one complete study package. All of your coursework is to be completed within the outlined period. This course is structured in an EASY LEARNING and user friendly way.


Upon completion of this home learning programme, students should be able to understand the basics of many key areas within this subject. Participants of the course will have acquired an overall basic understanding of the subject matter and will have achieved a sound basis to summarize important topics and be reasonably competent to make further progress and educational development in this field with a range of theoretical skills and insights to assist with any short or long term goals.

Grading Assessment:

This course is assessed upon the successful completion and submission of coursework with a Pass, Merit or Distinction. Distinction is 90%. All content is course work based, home study through the post or online, depending on the subject being studied. NO attendance or visits to any exam centre is required on this subject.

Entry Requirements:
There are NO entry requirements. No background training or qualifications are required. Anyone can enrol at any time, beginners, intermediates and experienced all year round. You are expected to be able to read and write or type/word process your coursework and be able to understand the English language.

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