Why pink Himalayan rock salt is essential in your diet!

Pink Himalayan rock salt is the healthiest form of salt!

Pink Himalayan salt originates in Pakistan and is reputed to be more beneficial than traditional sea salt. You may not have heard of it, but it’s worth knowing about. Pink Himalayan salt has been linked to various benefits, some of which have been established for centuries while others are presently undergoing scientific testing.

First, it is packed with no less than eighty-four essential trace elements which are needed for everyday health. This is notable when compared with sea salt, which contains parts of seventy-two particles, hence why Himalayan salt is considered more nutritious.

Himalayan salt is an antioxidant. It clears the digestive tract and relieves gas and acidity. It is also useful in curing indigestion. The antioxidants clear out toxins from the digestive tract which in turn makes digestion much easier. It also ensures that digestion is complete by the time of the next meal which aids in reducing loss of appetite.

It has been suggested that pink Himalayan salt reactivates and maintains the insulin that reduces sugar cravings. Once the cravings subside, so does the accumulation of fat, which makes it useful for the purpose of weight loss.

The salt contains anti-inflammatory properties and this means it has various uses in reducing swelling. For example, it can help to reduce swelling in the throat brought on by throat infections. It is especially useful when taken with warm water and then gargled.

It has also been suggested that the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties contained in the salt eases the burning sensation in the neck which is caused by asthma. It is also thought to clean the respiratory tract and thus have an influence on the main symptoms of asthma as well. Finally, the anti-inflammatory properties can be useful aids in reducing inflammation and swelling in joints and deal with the associated pains and stiffness.

Like most foods, Himalayan salt can be harmful if taken to excess. It is estimated that at least one teaspoon of the salt per day is a sufficient amount to take.


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