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Ways to Naturally Treat and Reduce Acne


Good ways to Naturally Treat Acne!

It is extremely common to suffer from acne at some stage in your life. It is identifiable by the red spots and oily skin that it produces and sometimes you may feel your skin is hot and touching it is painful. The face is the most common area of the body to suffer from acne and the back is also a frequent place to find it. Around 15% of people with acne find it develops on their chest as well.

There are six different types of spots that acne can produce; the small black or yellow bumps known as blackheads, whiteheads which don’t empty when squeezed, tender and sore red bumps known as papules, the white-tipped papules called pustules, large, hard lumps called nodules and the large, pus-laden lumps called cysts. Acne can start at any age, but it is mostly associated with the hormonal changes brought about by puberty. It is also known to run in families, suggesting a hereditary link.

If you have moderate or severe acne, the best thing you can do is consult your doctor who will prescribe medication such as Roaccutane to help dispel your acne. But if your acne is mild or in the early stages of developing, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce it or at least prevent it from getting worse. First, be sure not to wash any affected areas more than twice each day. Failing to do so will irritate your skin and potentially worsen your symptoms. When you do wash it, make sure you use a mild cleanser and water which is neither too hot nor too cold. Although it may be very tempting at times, do not attempt to squeeze your spots or clear out blackheads.

Doing so will only exacerbate them and you run the risk of permanently scarring yourself. In fact, it is best to keep your hands away from your face as much as you can, since touching the skin can result in your acne flaring up. If you apply a large amount of make-up and cosmetics to yourself, seek to reduce this as these products tend to clog the pores in your skin and will lead to a risk of worsening your acne. Specifically, you should avoid using products that contain alcohol. Another very important means of reducing the severity of your acne is to work on reducing your stress level. Whilst stress does not cause acne itself, studies have shown that physical wounds, including acne, heal much more slowly when you are suffering from stress although the precise cause of this remains unknown.

In addition to these basic tips, there are some natural treatments that may prove helpful in reducing acne. Most of these are still undergoing medical research and study. Among the most common of these are gels containing tea tree oil.  Tea tree oil is both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and it may help in reducing the effects of the bacteria P. acnes which is linked to the causes of acne. A 2015 survey found that tea tree oil can help to reduce the number of sores in cases of mild to moderate acne. It is not recommended for severe cases. Possible side effects in its usage include minor itching and redness and dryness in the skin.

The one-celled fungus known as brewer’s yeast has also been found to be useful in treating the symptoms of acne, probably due to the high level of chromium it contains, and is readily available in various supplementary forms. Chromium is used to build up sensitivity to insulin and glucose tolerance. It is the controlling of the glucose that, according to studies, most helps people with acne. This is not an advisable course of treatment for those who have allergies to yeast or are susceptible to yeast-based infections.

In addition, there is an ongoing debate in the medical world over whether zinc is an effective treatment for acne. Some studies have found that it may decrease papules and cysts in particular. Generally, it assists in combatting redness, irritation and inflammations caused by acne and other conditions. Those who wish to try zinc as a treatment for their acne may find applying it in the form of a gel or a lotion as preferable to taking it orally. This is because it is claimed topically applying zinc produces faster results. Additionally, taking it orally may produce side effects such as bloating and diarrhoea.

New Zealand manuka honey is also popularly touted as a natural means of treating acne. It is claimed that it can balance the pH level of the skin and aid in clearing away debris of dead cells to keep the skin clean and healthy. Its anti-bacterial properties greatly reduce the risk of pores being infected. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in decreasing the inflammation that acne causes. Aloe vera is also commonly used as a natural treatment for acne.

It has been suggested that it boosts the blood flow in the skin and kills off harmful bacteria and dirt which has accumulated in the skin. Those whose skin is rendered dry and irritated by acne may find the use of aloe vera helps to soothe the skin.

Acne can have long-term effects on anyone who develops it, not only physically but psychologically as well. It can lead to anxiety and a loss of self-esteem. Depending on how severe your acne is, you may have no recourse other than to consult your doctor regarding some form of medication. It is also worth speaking to your doctor if you are thinking of trying any natural means of treating your acne. But this is not to say they will be completely useless. Depending on the severity of your case, natural treatments, alongside certain basic lifestyle changes, could prove useful tools to have alongside any prescribed medication.


This article along with all articles on this site are for educational and informational purposes only and must not be used or taken as a substitute in any form for any medical, psychological (mental) advice, medication you are currently taking or any alternative treatments without the prior advice, guidance and consent from your medical doctor. Please speak with your doctor first before making any changes to your diet or medicine as a result of reading any information laid out on this website or in this or any other articles.

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