How to Write an Effective Complaint Letter

The right way to write Complaint Letters!

Complaining is something most of us don’t enjoy doing but often it is necessary in order to express our dissatisfaction with a product or service. It is not pleasant to critique something or someone, but if done correctly it can result in both parties reaching an amicable resolution that results in satisfaction. If you have ever puzzled over how to write an efficient complaint letter, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

First, focus on the specific problem you have had. Do not write general comments about the company, its staff or its product. Any unrelated information will only draw out your letter unnecessarily. Keep the letter short and to the point. Try to avoid using emotive or abusive language, regardless of how upset you are.

Next, provide clear and concise details about what happened. Try to record such details as when and where the dissatisfaction took place, including the location of the store or the name and job title of the employee. Be sure to include some idea as to how you would like the situation to be resolved, for example a replacement or refund for a faulty product or an apology from an employee.

Be clear on what needs to happen in order for your faith in the company to be restored. Make sure you include some way for the company to contact you, such as a telephone number or an e-mail address, otherwise a company representative will not be able to inform you of any action that has been taken.

If your complaint revolves around a product, try to include documentation such as a copy of the receipt. If the complaint is ongoing, you could also include copies of any previous correspondence you have had with the company. If you feel advertising has been misleading, include a screenshot of it if communicating online to bolster your argument.

Finally, carefully proofread the letter before posting it or sending it if it’s online. Check especially for tone, grammar, spelling and content. You could ask someone who is not involved in the complaint to proofread it for extra clarity. Make sure it is properly formatted and looks professional.

You should keep in mind that not every issue can be resolved with a single letter. It may be worth your time and effort to learn how to write an effective appeal letter if matters should progress to the next level. However, knowing how to write an effective complaint letter will stand you in better stead than you were before.


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